In Cadenced Thought Page 2
As clouds begin to lower.
A roll of power then cries, “Be bold.
Both plowman and, you, sower.
“For I’ve ordained that you should eat,
And live of My sweet gospel.
Harvest I’ll give, of hearts made sweet,
From bitter sin so hostile.
“Hearts withered by sin shall bloom again
Like Moses’ withered rod.
My word shall fall as living rain
From out of my heart”, says God.
The Holy Spirit’s breezes blow
To bring both sign and wonder,
Confirm the word His servants sow,
And wake the world with thunder.
The painfully poor have nothing to eat.
Their lives are confined by the walls on a street.
They have nowhere to go and nothing to wear,
And the beat of their lives is the stroke of despair.
They have fear on their minds, and their smiles are too vague.
They're unwilling to quit, and they're too proud to beg.
They're trapped in their culture and pine to be loose.
On Babylon's tether's the unyielding noose.
This wasn't the plan of a kind Father God.
He made us not poor, but to till a rich sod.
An honest day's labor had honest reward.
At the end of the day was the smile of the Lord.
But the fall into sin brought on poor Adam's curse,
And the envy of Cain only made it all worse.
Now hot drops on the brow are for payments of debt.
But the work of the Lord will be glorious yet.
There's more to love than human hearts can hold,
Or human minds can ever comprehend
On earth before we're made complete,
Or find in wisdom as we're growing old.
There's more to love than God to earth can send.
There's more than what we think or feel is sweet.
We have not found the depth of Jesus' cross.
We stand too proud; our hearts must learn to bend.
Our heart's our limit; It's love that makes it beat.
God's love is pure; our hearts are mixed with dross.
God's love sends warmth when we are growing cold.
God's love that's warm on earth is heaven's heat.
There is a book so fair
With pages white and clean.
It’s life that written there,
And doom shall not be seen.
For Jesus keeps this book,
Inscribing us in life.
With Him are those God took
From sin and mortal strife.
His book records our name
In heaven’s golden ink.
One day we'll know He came
Before an eye could blink.
He'll open wide the book,
But wider still His hands.
From empty graves we'll look
Where loving Jesus stands.
About the Author
When John Lowstreet was a child, God moved a big snake out of his path. He has spent the rest of his life trying to know God personally and to more deeply understand God. John has had various occupations, hobbies and jobs, but only this one quest. More experiences with God are his holy grail.
John started writing in bits and pieces. He finds writing to be a satisfying discipline, and for some reason poetry seems easiest to write. John uses the Swiss cheese approach as in poking holes in a major priority until it yields. Writing has been a priority for years and is beginning to yield.
John’s favorite authors are Jules Verne and Jane Austen, and favorite poets are Rudyard Kipling and William Blake.
John studied the Bible to find God, and as he found Him, grew to love Him. The basic teachings and devotional insights of the Bible have increasingly seemed more significant to him than the mass of theological considerations. That is why his first book was on the beatitudes. A Christian minister of retirement age, John loves Christ and the Holy Spirit and treasures intimacy with God.
Also by John Lowstreet, available at ebook retailers:
How To Be Blessed By Christ
More books are in the works.
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